“Your parents will come pick you up when they're done with big church.”
“Have fun in little church, kids!”
“Do you want to go to big church with us today?”
“But mom, I want to go to BIG church!”
The truth is that there is no “big” or “little” church. WE are the church. We all come in different sizes, shapes, colors, and cultures. We all have different religious backgrounds. But WE are the church and we are not little in God’s eyes. We are a BIG deal to God.
Every one of us is created in His image. Every one of us was created to worship and glorify God with our whole selves. Every one of us needs to love God and love others.
Kids ministry is not about providing child care so the adults can worship God... at least not in Kidzworks! When kids come to Kidzworks they serve each other, they worship God with their time, their resources, their full selves, their prayers, and their interpretation and memorization of scripture. They brain storm ways to minister to their friends and to bring them into relationship with God.
Kids do church BIG. In Kidzworks we worship God with gusto. Kids give an offering with joy. Kids sing and dance to the Lord with energy and excitement. They lead each other in worship. They run the technology. They lead the small group. They share scripture and prayer and experiences they have with God. There is nothing little about kids doing church. There is nothing little about doing church with kids.
As a minister to children, I am blessed. I am blessed when the Holy Spirit moves in the hearts of children and adults in the room. I am blessed when I hear a Bible story in a way I have never heard it before and God pokes my heart and says “HEY! That’s for you.” I am blessed by the fellowship that I enjoy with the kids. Isn’t that what being a church is all about? I say YES! Why do we segregate ourselves into “big people” and “little people” when to God there is no difference? We are the church.
Come do big church with us in Kidzworks. You will be blessed.
Jackie is our Janesville Kidzworks director, and is sold out to creating amazing experiences for your kids. If you're interested in volunteering for Kidzworks, contact Jackie here.
I like how you said that teaching the children is not about daycare, but really teaching them about the gospel. They are the ones that learn the quickest and are the most impressionable and need to learn the correct principles while they are young. Children are our future and the future looks bright.
Amen! I get so excited when I am teaching and I see the light come on for the children or when I ask them what they think the scripture is saying and they have such deep answers. Children are the church just as much as the adults.