Thursday, January 2, 2014

Here we go...!

I have to admit that I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, parachute strapped to my back, heart pounding.  It's not that I'm nervous about what we're about to embark on.  It's that I see the potential for what it can be, and I don't want to miss a second of it.  Come fly with me...

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, we're about to start something in Janesville, Wisconsin that will alter the course of lives, change the shape of eternities, and impact people in a way few cold imagine.  Think I'm exaggerating?  I probably am... but not by much.  We stand at the precipice of what could be a fantastic move of God, not because we're smart or good, but because God is.

When we say that we're launching Central Christian Church in Janesville, it immediately takes on a shape in our minds.  It's a church, and we know what churches look like.  But what if we could peel back the layers of what we know about church and ask ourselves, "What would church look like if God had his way?"  What if we didn't have anything holding us back from building the kind of life-changing community that even your friends would want to be a part of?  What if we could question everything about how we do church, find what matters most, and give ourselves to it?

You feeling it yet?

There's potential here.  And it's not because we'll have great programming (although let's just say that the musicians that are going with us are some of the best around.)  It's not because we'll do lots of marketing.  It's not because we've got all the answers to all of life's questions.  It's because we're going to humbly admit that we don't always know what we need to know, and let God build us from the ground up.

Interested?  I am.  So, let's get started.  Come hang out with us on January 26th at 6pm at Edison Middle School in Janesville.  This will be our first official get-together, and anybody's invited.  If you know you want to be a part of this thing, you aren't going to want to miss it.  If you're just interested, come check it out.  If you're a member at Central in Beloit, and just want to come pray and worship with us, you're always welcome.

Don't forget to like our Facebook Page if you haven't already, and follow us on Twitter @centraljanes

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