One day, God said to Phillip, "Start walking
south." That's it. Just walk.
And Phillip did it. He had no
idea what the plan was. He had no
concept of what God had in mind other than to walk. So he walked.
Phillip was completely unaware that a super important dude
from Africa would be on that same road at that same time. He had no idea that very dude would be
reading from the Hebrew scriptures at that very moment. He had no clue that the chess pieces were
being put into place for the message of the Gospel to be spread to
Ethiopia. Here's what he knew: Walk
Sometimes I picture God like he's playing a board game...
Just the right people at just the right places at just the right time, creating
wonderfully crazy experiences. I start
thinking about everything that had to go just right for Phillip to walk up
alongside that specific chariot at that perfect place in time, and I remember
that God sees it all. He doesn't just
see all that's happening. He sees how
it's all connected and how one happening changes another and how all of it
moves us along towards some greater end.
And here's the best part: He can be trusted with it all.
When Mandy and I said that we would take this step of faith
into Janesville, I kind of felt like Phillip.
Start walking south. (except that Janesville is north, but you get the
point) Just walk...north. You don't need to see all of the pieces I'm
putting into place. You don't need to
know that I've been working on hearts of people in Janesville for exactly this
purpose. You don't need to understand
every part of my plan. Just walk. So we walked.
Slowly but surely, God keeps moving more and more pieces
into place. My friend, Shawn, is
principal at Lincoln Elementary in Janesville, and he and his wife are just as
sold out to redefining the relationship between a church and a school as Mandy
and I are. The school district tells us
that we can have our pick of school facilities for a fraction of what we would
spend on anything else. Over 100 people
show up at our first meeting in the midst of a snowstorm, ready and willing to
do whatever it takes to bring their friends and family to Jesus.
Every time another piece falls into place, I start to think,
"There it is. That's why God told
us to walk north." But then another
piece falls into place. And
another. And I'm learning that no matter
how much I want to understand the entirety of the plan, if we just keep walking
and trusting, it will unfold in ways that we never could have imagined.
I'd always rather we wait on the Lord and then play catch-up
than make our own plans and ask him to bless them. Look at what he's already doing. We have over 70 people who've committed to
being on the Launch Team, and we don't even know where we're going yet. Double that are already interested in being a
part of the ministry in some other way.
We've got people interested in running Kidzworks, Guest Services,
Prayer, Administration, and Community Service Teams.
None of this has been in the plan so soon, but God has been
moving the pieces into place in his timing, and we're just going to do our best
to keep up. So keep praying. It's the only real part we play in calling
down his supernatural power to be at work in our church and in all of
Janesville. We pray and we walk. North.