Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Hugging in Church

A hug is an intimate thing, isn’t it? Here… let me smash my body against yours and then we’ll wrap our arms around each other… oh, and what was your name again?

This is a phenomenon that you’ll only find in church. No grocery bagger is going to give you a big hug as they ask, “Paper or plastic?” No bank teller is going to hold you in a soft embrace because you bounced a check. But something weird happens when people walk into a church. The whole world goes nuts and wants to get their hug on. Well, almost the whole world…

I’m not a hugger. Let’s just get that out of the way. A firm handshake or a simple wave will suffice for me. But let’s be honest… a lot of people who show up at church are in desperate need of some deep connection. Maybe that hug they get from Vicki at the front door is the only human contact they'll have all week.  Maybe a moment in the care of Carl and Jane, with their heads bowed and arms around each others’ shoulders is the best way for someone to get a tangible sense of the love and grace of God. Maybe there’s something inherently spiritual about human touch, and that’s why people get all touchy at church.

But while I'm learning the value of physical touch, I also know that all this touchy-feely stuff really freaks some people out... especially new poeple.  I’ve got a friend that absolutely hates the moments we ask people to introduce themselves to somebody around them. I think he might be planning on bringing mace next time he comes to church.

So how am I supposed to know if you're the "Brothers gotta hug," Tommy Boy type, or a cold fish like me?  I think we should all wear t-shirts or something, 'cause sometimes it's hard to tell right away.

So, here are a couple of thoughts on the whole hugging in church thing. First, if you're a hugger, don't judge those of us who aren't. It's not because we've got some deep darkness inside. And if you're not a hugger, don't freak out when somebody puts their hand on your shoulder. In the immortal style of Taylor Swift, huggers gonna hug, hug, hug, hug, hug...

It's one of my favorite things about the body of Christ (a.k.a. the Church.)  It takes all kinds. Huggers, listeners, prayers, jokers, lovers, preachers, servers, healers, laughers, planners, and leaders. Wouldn't it be great if we could take 1 Corinthians 12 at face value?

Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. Now if the [hugger] should say, “Because I am not a [laugher], I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. And if the [server] should say, “Because I am not a [joker], I do not belong to the body,” it would not for that reason stop being part of the body. If the whole body were a [leader], where would the sense of [prayer] be? If the whole body were a [preacher], where would the sense of [listening] be? But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 1 Corinthians 12:14-18

Okay, save the emails about how I destroyed that passage. I know that Paul is specifically talking about spiritual gifts, but I just think it's time that we celebrate the diversity we have in the church and not expect everybody to fit some cookie-cutter version of what a Christian looks like. We should all just be a little more comfortable in our own skin, and trust that God has us right where he wants us and made us that way for a purpose.

What do you think? What roles do you play in the life of the church?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Keeping Up with the Holy Spirit

Our first song in our first service on our first Sunday

I know that waiting on the Lord is an extremely important habit to develop in our walks, but if I'm honest, I'd always rather be playing catch-up with the Holy Spirit, like we are right now. I love the feeling of knowing that there's no way I can keep up with what God's doing, because it forces me to be more dependent on Him and His church than ever. The image of the Holy Spirit as a mighty rushing wind seems fitting right now, and we're just trying to ride it wherever it takes us on this adventure.

The sitting area (top) and Welcome Center (bottom) were created
to make a Conference Center look like home.

New People Show Up EVERY WEEK

I can't explain what it does to my heart when I meet another person who shows up at church for the first time, but it's even better when I see people who have come now 2 or 3 times. Our leaders and volunteers are amazing at finding someone who's new and connecting with them. After church last week, I just took a moment and looked around to see at least a dozen of our people talking to someone I didn't recognize. I'm just amazed at how God is using us to step into the lives of others and give them a place to belong and a chance to be changed by the Presence of the Living God.

Students Ministry Kicked Off With a Bang

On Sunday after church, Josh and Megan Kelly (our students team leaders), came up to me and said that they would probably buy way too much stuff for the kickoff party they were planning for students, just in case they had more than expected. Well, it was a good plan, because they ended up with 25 students, and were even a little short on supplies. And when my two girls got home, they were on cloud nine. They loved the party, the other kids, and the adults. By all accounts, the whole thing was a huge success, and it's just the beginning. We'll be planning fun student events once a month, so keep your eyes peeled for updates.

First time together as a youth group
Smashing Pumpkins isn't just an awesome band from the 90's



Let's Not Take a Couple of Things for Granted

Here's the truth: I've got friends out there right now who are planting churches, and they aren't starting with a fantastic launch team. They don't have financial backing from a great church. They aren't living in the excitement of way too many people showing up way too early in the life of the church. But let's remember: it's not because we're any better than they are. I attribute our seeming "success" to three things.

  1. God is moving among us. It's not because we deserve it.  It's not because we're more talented or more holy or more anything else. "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3:8  We don't control it.  We just look for where he's blowing and try to ride it to wherever he takes us.
  2. Our church leadership is amazing. How many churches would fully fund a venture like this and then give us complete freedom to do it however we feel is best? Not only that, but our leadership believes so strongly in what we're doing that they're willing to move almost 200 people out of the Beloit campus to launch Janesville. I get calls from elders excited about what's happening, and David and Craig (our Lead and Executive Pastors) are always ready and willing to support us in everything we do. In short, this is rare air that we're breathing, and I never want to take for granted the amazing leadership we have.
  3. Our volunteers are a cut above.  Now, I know other churches like to say that they have the best volunteers and leaders, but they're just wrong (sorry if I offend.) Over and over, I find myself amazed by the people I get to do life and church with, and I can't believe how God has blessed us. Our volunteers care about kids. They work hard. They're committed like I can't believe. They buy in to what we're doing. I could never ask for any more.

All in all, this has been a crazy, exciting, scary ride, and I'm so glad that it's just beginning. Come check it out some Sunday, and bring a friend. We can't wait to see what God has in store next.